Keynotes presented by
Jon Bergmann
Dr. Kevin Revell
Plenaries presented by
Oliver Wood & Dr. Alan Richards; Dr. Caroline Fell Kurban; Dr. Jerry Overmyer
Opening Keynote Address:
Flipped Learning 3.0 - Teaching and Learning in Unprecedented Times
Every educator feels it, sees, and hears it. We are teaching and students are learning in unprecedented times. We're facing accelerating change, a new generation of learners, and growing questions about the ROI of many undergraduate degrees. Join members of company on as we talk about why the ground underneath the higher education system is shifting, and why Flipped Learning 3.0 provides the new foundation for the future of teaching and learning.
Our Opening Keynote will be delivered by Jon Bergmann of Flipped Learning Global at 9:30a.m. on Wednesday, June 14th in Ross 1010. Jon Bergmann is one of the pioneers of the Flipped Classroom Movement. Jon is currently the Chief Academic Officer at the Flipped Learning Global Initiative (FLGI), a worldwide coalition of educators, researchers, technologists, professional development providers and education leaders expanding the adoption of flipped learning around the globe. Jon spearheads the initiative by working with governments, schools, corporations, and education non-profits internationally including: China, Taiwan, Spain, UAE, the United Kingdom, Turkey, Italy, Korea, Argentina, Iceland, Sweden, India and the United States. Jon is the author of seven books including the bestselling book: Flip Your Classroom, which has been translated into 13 languages. He is co-author of the book, Flipped Learning 3.0: The operating system for the future of talent development, due out in July, 2017. Jon is the founder of the global FlipCon conferences which are dynamic engaging events which inspire educators to transform their practice through flipped learning. He serves on the advisory board for TED-Education and in 2002, Jon received the Presidential Award for Excellence for Math and Science Teaching.
Keynote Address: Strengthening Student Foundations: Strategies for a Flipped Classroom

Too often, gaps in foundational knowledge limit student success in higher-level skills and courses. Fortunately, the flipped classroom offers unique opportunities to address these foundational weaknesses. This presentation will highlight a blend of active-learning approaches used to address these challenges in introductory and upper-level courses, including benchmark quizzes, in-class polling, speed drills, and new digital resources that emphasize low-level knowledge, recognition, and skills. The presentation includes data and examples from both introductory and upper-level classes.
Dr. Kevin Revell teaches introductory, general, and organic chemistry at Murray State University, and also serves as the assistant dean for the Jones College of Science, Engineering, and Technology. A passionate educator, his teaching experience includes high school, community college, small private, state comprehensive, and state flagship institutions. His work encompasses curriculum, technology-enhanced pedagogy, assessment, and active-learning design. He has hosted a number of science education workshops, and is the senior editor for, an online community for college-level instructors implementing active-learning pedagogies. His first textbook, Introductory Chemistry, is scheduled for release in 2017. A synthetic chemist by training, his research involves the synthesis and evaluation of functional organic materials
All registered conference attendees are invited to join us for the Keynote Address and Banquet.
Thursday, June 15th at 6:30pm in the University Center Panorama Room.
(There will be a poster session immediately before the keynote at 5:30, with cash bar, also in the Panorama Room.)
The keynote speaker is sponsored this year by Macmillan Learning.
Dr. Alan Richards and Oliver Wood from Disruptive Media Learning Labs at the University of Coventry in the United Kingdom will be presenting by distance in a plenary as a mini workshop on Wednesday, June 14th from 10:30am-noon.
LEGO-A-GO-GO: Flipping The Brick by Dr. Alan Richards, Principal Project Lead
The session will allow participants to gain understanding as to the principles of LEGO-A-GO-GO (LAGG) whilst participating in an interactive manner. This will be achieved through individual creation of metaphorical models utilizing ‘LEGO Window Bags’, alongside an accompanying personalized narrative orated for group discussion.
Please send a picture of your lego ideal academic to Alan. (If the link doesn't work, his email is [email protected] )
You can also use the hashtag #disruptedu for your picture.
Changing Mindsets: The Beyond Flipped Way by Oliver Wood, Project & Community Assistant
Based upon the Beyond Flipped SPRINT methodology of the Disruptive Media Learning Lab (DMLL), the session will explore how to rapidly prototype solutions for embedding Flipped practice throughout courses, schools, faculties, and management. The session will enable participants to prototype solutions for embedding Flipped Learning within their own institutions.
You can email Oliver at [email protected]
Dr. Caroline Fell Kurban, from MEF University in Istabul Turkey will be presenting by distance in a plenary on Thursday, June 15th from 10:45am-11:30am.
Dr. Fell Kurban is the Director for the Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching.
Flipped Learning as an educational model has emerged, globally, as a new pedagogical method geared towards educating today’s Generation Y students and the Generation Z students of the 2020s and beyond, supplanting a 900-year- old traditional university education system for a digital world where technology prevails in all aspects of our lives. Flipped Learning may have grabbed the attention of educationalists around the world; however, it has not yet gained a mainstream position. While many educators have adopted Flipped Learning for their courses, very few educational institutions have adapted this model as their sole approach. MEF University opened in 2014 as the first and only university globally to implement Flipped Learning across all programs, and to radically readdress how we assess students in higher education so that they are prepared for the workforce that they will enter upon graduation. After three years and three iterations of flipped learning, we believe we have created a best practice whereby careful choice of technology adoption, blended learning practices and student-led learning have combined to support our Flipped Learning educational approach. Through sharing the knowledge and experiences we have gained over the past three years, and sharing our innovative plans for future development, we aim to provide a working example of best practices for other institutions wishing to adopt this innovative, engaging and effective approach.
Dr. Jerry Overmyer from Western Governors University will be presenting the closing plenary on Friday, June 16th from 11am-11:45am.
Flipped Learning in a Fully Online Environment: As we move to a more and more digitally connected world, with fewer and fewer face-to-face opportunities, how can flipped learning be implemented to enhance fully online learning? This will be an open discussion about flipped learning, and what it means for the future of online learning.